From the Highest Peaks

to Almost the Grave

                                     and Back Again

 Throughout the years the Non Stop Grinding,

Hard Work with Poor Form,

and Ignoring my injuries have led to chronic Pain and almost permanent Damage.

 My limbs Atrophied While Persuing my Active Passion of Hiking.


  The Tipping point happened in 2017...


I officially Blew my foot Out on a long Hike in the Rockies,

After 10 miles of uphill switch backs it was time to descend.

I was use to the pinched nerve in my hip from a dead-lifting injury in the 90's,

and the pain in my foot from the junk yard car door that almost severed my toe off in the 80's,


At the top of the mountain after getting back to the pass from the alpine lake below called Tombstone,


I felt a pop in the arch of my foot and the swelling was beyond normal.


I knew that something wasn't right but had no choice but to Hobble all the way back or be left on the mountain.  I told my nephew before it happened I'd meet him at the trail head. He had made distance ahead of me and had no way of knowing because we had no phone service.


BY the time I made it to the car the sun was setting, wolf howling echoed from the pass we had come from

and my leg was an official stump.


 After getting back to civilization I went right to the doctors and found out

I had a bad case of Plantar Fasciitis and my Abductor Hallucis in the arch of my foot, had completely ruptured.


 After about a month I realized my doctors had good intentions, but their advice was actually injuring me more!



They had me in a brace during the day, and this kept my foot rigid as a board.

At night They told me to soak it in hot water for an hour,

then Ice it for an hour....

after Doing this for a while it felt like

 I was turning my foot into a ROCK!


My foot was Flat...

A huge Scar tissue pad on the side of my foot the size of a lemon had grown....

I couldn't walk anymore without severe pain...

My calves shriveled up, and I lost feeling in them...

I thought I'd need an amputation...

I thought this was it.....

 I knew I couldn't live the rest of my years in this state

 I was only in my early 50's and had allot more mountains to hike and ladies to dance with.


  After doing my own research I found this practice called "Muscle Scraping"

every thing I found on it in the main stream medical journals treated  it like an esoteric practice.


 Well, the western health systems has treated many things in the past as if they were pseudo-science that we now know have significant health benefits 

like supplements, nutrition, meditation, yoga, cannabis, psilosybin mushrooms, and other therapies.

The surgeon general used to recommend cigarettes for healthy lungs...

 I knew the conventional methods weren't working.


So I developed my own Routine

adopting the methods of scraping with available tools

 Incorporating stretching,

 mind body exercises,

and Self Belief!


 Amazingly I am NOW back on the mountain and hiking like my old self.


The journey was not easy


But like a phoenix I've arisen from the ashes of my crippled foot


And can reach the high peaks of the Rockies once again!


 Though I am better now, I realized the pain I endured was prolonged and unnecessary.

Ultimately my ignorance and bodily neglect led to my sorry dilapidated state.


 After identifying the key problems,

I was able to implement a structured approach to rehabilitate my foot.


I'm sharing my experience to help people who may not realize they're living with similar injuries.

or Don't know the regenerative benefits of

These Techniques.


 I've developed a tried and tested method

Bringing my body back from the grave by


Muscle Scraping,


Mind Body Exercises,

a Injury prevention Routine,

Diet and Nutrient uptake startegies,


 It's now 2025 and I'm doing what I thought I'd never do again.


Accelerate your recovery Today!


I Look forward to seeing you back on your feet.


- Rick Spada